Mugen musou seeks to create “playable objet d’art” that are beautiful to display and enjoyable to play with.
Mugen musou pays close attention to details and has a finish that lets you feel the wood’s grain and surface. Their products have a comfortable soft touch, and smooth and beautiful curves created by the lathe. The contrast between light and shadow is like a beautiful sculpture, and you can feel that its existence enhances the space around it.
Keyaki is the representative timber of Japan and it has a distinctive fragrance and beautiful grain. It is used for high-end crafts, furniture, temples, and important cultural assets. The whitish part of the wood near the surface of the tree is called sapwood, and the inner part is called heartwood. The products made by this heartwood are said to be the best quality products, and Mugen musou only uses the heartwood of Keyaki.
The paint for the surface is the paint that Mugen musou took one year to develop with a paintmaker. It is a special urethane paint that sets off the original beauty of the original material. It also has a texture like nubuck. Because of this, you can enjoy it by displaying as well as by touching it.
The pedestal helps to stably display the Kendama in a variety of configurations.
MUGEN MUSOU objet d’artは、飾って美しく遊ぶこともできるけん玉「遊べるオブジェ」を追求しています。MUGEN MUSOUは、ディテールに拘り、触れたときに感じる杢目と木肌を活かした仕上げにしています。さわり続けたくなるような肌触りと轆轤(ろくろ)で生み出される滑らかな美しい曲線により、光と影のコントラストは美しい彫刻のようであり、空間を豊かにするたたずまいを感じることができます。
欅(けやき)は、日本を代表する木材であり、特有の香りと、美しい杢目が特徴で、高級木製品・家具・寺社建築など重要文化財にも使われています。欅には白太と呼ばれる木の表面に近い白っぽい部分と、赤身と呼ばれる内側の濃い部分があります。取れる部分が少ない赤身を使用した製品が最も高級な材料とされ、MUGEN MUSOUではその赤身だけを使用して製作しています。