Planet is a product with abundant color variations among Mugen musou, and it was exhibited at Maison & Objet, which is said to be the world’s best interior and design related exhibition held in Paris, France.
PLANET / Purple
PLANET / Green
PLANET / Moon Gold
PLANET / Grand Metalic
The theme of each color is “Planet”, and there are colors of Green、Blue、Purple, Grand Metallic, and Moon Gold. Around 30% of the area around the hole in the Tama (ball) is painted with silver. This makes it easier to recognize the hole when you play, and the more you challenge yourself to do difficult tricks, the more this design stands out.
The surface of the ball is painted with five layers, and it has a deep and beautiful finish. It is also uses Mugen musou’s original paint. Therefore, it has the best finish for Kendama, which means it is not too hard, not too soft, has a nice grip, but is not too sticky, and has high durability. Thanks to this, you can use the Kendama for a long time while maintaining its original beauty.
The cups, body, and ball are dual angle edged. This helps you to increase the supporting surfaces to the ball and broadens the variety of tricks you can perform.
For the string, a string slit is applied, so that it is easy to change the string and it also increases the durability.
PLANETはMUGEN MUSOUの中でもカラーバリエーションが豊富な商品であり、毎年パリで開催される世界最高峰のインテリア&デザイン関連の見本市「メゾン・エ・オブジェ」でも展示しました。
PLANET / Purple
PLANET / Green
PLANET / Moon Gold
PLANET / Grand Metalic
それぞれのカラーは「惑星」をテーマにしており、Green、Blue、Purple, Grand Metallic, Moon Goldに加え、穴の周りには30%ほどシルバーを塗装しています。このように穴の周りの色味を変えることで、プレーをする時に穴の位置が確認しやすくなり、難易度の高い技になればなるほど、その意匠が際立つデザインとなっています。
玉の表面は5層にも重ねて塗装されており、深みのある美しい仕上がりとなっています。またMUGEN MUSOUオリジナルの塗料を使用することで、「硬すぎず柔らかすぎない」「止まり過ぎず、ほどよく止まる」そして「塗装強度がある」という、けん玉に最適な塗装に仕上げることで、美しく長くけん玉を愛用する事ができます。